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Black tea

Tea class
Country of Origin
Tasting profile
Black tea: from fruity and sweet to robust and malty, this tea coats us like a velvet robe. It rightfully claims its place on the pedestal as the classic choice for morning salutations or afternoon gatherings. With its invigorating yet gentle energy, black tea empowers us to tackle the day with clarity and focus.

At Tea Kulture, we meticulously source the finest hand-picked tea leaves directly from tea farmers in Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Malawi. Each region's distinct terroir infuses unparalleled depth into every brew, ensuring a journey of flavor and discovery with every sip.
What is Black Tea?

Before we dive deeper into the essence of black tea, let’s take a look at the name itself. While dubbed “black tea” in the West due to the dark color of the tea leaves, in Asian countries such as China and Japan it’s known as “red tea” or “hong cha” thanks to the color of the infusion itself.

Regardless of the name, black tea undergoes full oxidation, offering a robust, rich, and full-bodied profile, making it a global favorite. In fact, it constitutes a staggering 78% of the world’s tea production.

Want to discover more about the origins of black tea? Read more.

How to Brew Black Tea?

To brew black tea it’s best to use hot water, ideally between 90 – 95°C. Steeping time, water temperature, and tea-to-water ratio can vary based on personal preference. European-style brewing might involve big teapots, sugar, and milk; while Asian-style favors smaller teapots and multiple infusions. Then we have cold brewing, which can accentuate sweetness and fruity notes.

Furthermore, we encourage everyone to experiment and discover the method that best suits their taste.

Want to discover more about how to brew a delicious cup of tea? Read more.

The Different Types and Origins of Black Tea

It may not be a surprise to you that tea originated in China, black tea included. Yunnan province, in particular, is credited as the birthplace of this robust tea type. This dates back to the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and early Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). One of the most popular tea types from the region, Dian Hong, offers sippers profoundly deep, amber infusions and sweet aromas.

With time, black tea production spread to the West, reaching India where the flavors diversify with Assam’s strong, malty flavors and Darjeeling’s superbly fruity teas from the Himalayan foothills.

Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) the teas offer unique full-bodied flavors, fruity aromas, and a distinctive citrus finish unique to the island. African nations such as Malawi and Kenya also enrich the global black tea repertoire, each contributing their own remarkable flavors.

At Tea Kulture, we are dedicated to sustainability and fair trade. We source tea directly from farmers in Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Malawi, who use natural methods, ensuring fair wages and ethical working conditions.

Through direct trade relationships, we offer quality tea leaves without compromising others or nature.

Want to discover more about the origins of black tea? Read more.

Does Black Tea contain Caffeine?

Black tea tends to have the highest caffeine levels, as it steeps at high temperatures. While the oxidation of the tea is generally not an indicator of how much caffeine we will intake, the average caffeine content of black tea is typically 30-40 mg/cup, sometimes going up to 65 mg/cup. In comparison, an average cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine.

Please note that several factors contribute to the caffeine levels in tea: natural environment, fertilization, the part of the plant that was picked, seasonality, and of course, brewing time.

Want to discover more about caffeine in tea? Read more.

How is Black Tea Processed?

The enchantment of black tea production unfurls through a meticulous process that metamorphoses freshly plucked tea leaves into the deep, flavorful infusion we savor. Black tea processing promotes oxidation, causing the tea leaves to transition in color from green to a reddish-copper hue.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Withering: the plucked leaves release moisture, making them pliable.
  2. Rolling: this breaks down the cell walls and kickstarts the key oxidation process.
  3. Oxidation: the tea leaves are left to oxidize anywhere from 2 to 10 hours in a space where humidity and temperature are carefully controlled.
  4. Drying: this final step preserves the full-bodied flavors and enticing aromas, culminating in the transformation from fresh leaves to the robust essence of black tea.

Contrary to popular belief regarding black tea production methods, achieving total oxidation without pulverizing the leaves into a fine powder (as in the CTC tea) is chemically impossible. Thus, orthodox black tea made from whole leaves undergoes near-complete oxidation rather than reaching a 100% level.

How to Store Black Tea?

Proper tea storage is crucial for maintaining freshness and flavor.

To preserve your black tea leaves, store them in an airtight container (ideally an opaque one) to shield them from oxygen, which causes oxidation and diminishes aroma. Protect your tea from heat and light by storing it in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight and heat sources.

Ensure the storage area is dry to prevent moisture absorption, which can degrade quality. Avoid storing your black tea near strong odors to prevent flavor contamination.

By purchasing high-quality tea leaves and properly storing them, you can rest assured your tea will be full of those beloved complex flavors for months to come.

Want to discover more about how to store loose-leaf tea? Read more.

The Health Benefits of Black Tea: Myths and Realities

One of the most common debates surrounding tea involves its purported health benefits. Let’s delve deeper into this topic. While tea has a long history of being linked to medicinal properties, today’s wellness trends have increased scrutiny on these health claims.

For instance, black tea has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries due to its warming properties and ability to stimulate blood flow. However, can it truly cure cancer, heart problems, and arthritis? We are cautious about making such claims.

True, tea does contain several beneficial compounds, including polyphenols (antioxidants), L-theanine (an amino acid), and alkaloids (with significant physiological effects). These components contribute to tea’s positive health effects, but definitive health outcomes are still uncertain.

At Tea Kulture, we encourage tea enthusiasts to view tea drinking as a healthy habit with positive benefits, rather than a medicinal cure.

A Few Final Words

At Tea Kulture, our commitment to sustainability and fair trade ensures that every sip of tea tells a story of ethical sourcing and unparalleled quality. Embrace the warmth of each cup, savoring its comforting embrace. Join us in celebrating the artistry of black tea by trying one of our curated varieties.

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