A Beacon of Hope for Villagers in Myanmar
In the heart of Myanmar, lies the village of Kyauk Saung, home to Mogok Tea. Amidst the backdrop of an ongoing civil war, Tea Kulture has stepped up to provide critical medical aid.
Explore the terroirs of Mogok, Satemwa, Wang Family, Ceylon Artisanal, Kanchanjangha, and Wilder Land through our meticulously sourced loose leaf teas. From the misty mountains of Mogok to the lush fields of Kanchanjangha, each tea tells a unique story of craftsmanship and flavor. Immerse yourself in the world of exceptional loose leaf teas, crafted with passion and expertise by our esteemed tea farmers.
With every cup you drink, you not only enjoy tea that tastes good, but also does good.
Much of our proceeds go back to tea farmers to support local projects.
In the heart of Myanmar, lies the village of Kyauk Saung, home to Mogok Tea. Amidst the backdrop of an ongoing civil war, Tea Kulture has stepped up to provide critical medical aid.
This blog post explores the importance of Satemwa Tea Estate to the local community and explains why Tea Kulture made the decision to support the Satemwa Primary school.
In the lush tea plantations of Sri Lanka, education is a luxury that many children cannot afford. Tea Leaf Trust is dedicated to transforming the lives of these marginalized youth.
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