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Explore Sri Lanka

Explore Sri Lanka


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More About Explore Sri Lanka

Travel to beatiful Sri Lanka and discover 4 unique teas in this Explore Sri Lanka tasting pack.

This tasting pack consists of 4 different teas, all sourced from artisanal tea plantations in Sri Lanka: Graceful Green (green tea), Waranagala Wild (black tea), Orange Pekoe (black tea) and Silver Tips (white tea).

6g Graceful Green : a green tea that comes from the Kaley tea plantation. This tea garden is located in a remote village in the southern lowlands of Sri Lanka.

6g Waranagala Wild : an exquisite and rare black tea from a tea garden that has remained untouched for more than a century.

6g Orange Pekoe : a black tea sourced from Monkeytail Teas in Sri Lanka. This small social enterprise offers an unparalleled guesthouse experience while producing quality tea by artisan methods.

6g Silver Tips : a rare white tea from a 130-year-old tea garden in Sri Lanka. Experienced tea pickers from the Forest Hill tea plantation pick only the finest leaves with the utmost care and precision.


Tea Class: Black tea, Green tea, White tea
Producer: Ceylon Artisanal Tea Association
Country Of Origin: Sri Lanka
Year Of Harvest: 2023

Embark on a sensory journey with our Explore Sri Lanka. This tasting pack features 4 artisanal teas sourced from picturesque tea plantations. Savor the delicate notes of Graceful Green, experience the rare Waranagala Wild, indulge in the rich flavor of Orange Pekoe, and discover the exquisite Silver Tips.

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